Oltar ranokršćanske crkve u Gatima pripadao je tipu cipuss. Idejna rekonstrukcija oltara donosi izvorni položaj lunete i drugih pronađenih ulomaka, koji su ukrašavali impozantni oltar. Analiza crkvenog namještaja i istražene arhitekture crkve upućuju da je riječ o osebujnoj građevini centralnog tipa, rijetkom primjerku ranobizantske crkvene gradnje na našoj obali.
Conceptual reconstruction of the altar with the lunette position, Gata – Church of St. Cyprian
The altar of an Early Christian church in Gata belonged to the cipuss type. The conceptual reconstruction of the altar envisions the original position of the lunette and other found fragments, which decorated this majestic altar. A study of the church furniture and architecture go in favor of this being a distinctive erection of centralized type, a rare exemplar of Early Byzantine church architecture along the Croatian coast.