Natpis službenog karaktera dokaz je javnih radova iz vremena cara Klaudija (41.-54.g.), kada je carski namjesnik provincije Dalmacije bio Publije Antej Ruf (Publius Anteius Rufus). Budući da je važna uloga namjesnika provincija bila promicanje careva kulta, može se pretpostaviti da je pothvat Publija Anteja Rufa mogao biti povezan i s izgradnjom carskog svetišta ili nekoga javnog prostora u kojem se štovao carski kult.
Inscription from the time of Emperor Claudius, Omiš – Baučići, mid-1st century
The inscription of official character is proof of public works from the time of Emperor Claudius (41-54), when the imperial governor of the province of Dalmatia was Publius Anteius Rufus. Since the important role of the governor of the provinces was to promote the emperor’s cult, it can be assumed that the venture of Publius Anteus Rufus could also be associated with the construction of an imperial shrine or another public space where the imperial cult was worshiped.